1: 1. Lack of Communication 2. Constant Arguing 3. Feeling Unappreciated

2: 4. Trust Issues 5. Lack of Intimacy 6. Feeling Stuck

3: 7. Loss of Individuality 8. Seeking Validation 9. Gut Feeling is Off

4: 10. Avoiding Conflict 11. Feeling Lonely 12. Constant Comparison

5: 13. Lack of Support 14. Disinterest in Future 15. Clinginess

6: 16. Always Making Excuses 17. Controlling Behavior 18. Feeling Unhappy

7: 19. Unresolved Issues 20. Walking on Eggshells 21. Resentment

8: 22. Loss of Respect 23. Compromising Values 24. Feeling Drained

9: 25. Mixed Signals 26. Seeking Approval 27. Lack of Growth