1: 1. Lack of communication 2. Infidelity 3. Emotional neglect 4. Financial disagreements

2: 5. Growing apart 6. Domestic violence 7. Substance abuse 8. Different life goals

3: 9. Lack of intimacy 10. Control issues 11. Incompatibility 12. Trust issues

4: 13. Unequal partnership 14. Parenting disagreements 15. Mental health issues 16. Lack of support

5: 17. Constant arguing 18. Lack of appreciation 19. Feeling of being trapped 20. Cultural differences

6: 21. Abuse, physical or emotional 22. Past traumas 23. Changes in priorities 24. Peer pressure

7: 25. Lack of respect 26. Career conflicts 27. Falling out of love 28. Third-party interference

8: 29. Unrealistic expectations 30. Loss of identity 31. Unresolved conflicts 32. Control of family members

9: 33. Loneliness 34. Lack of personal growth 35. Repeated patterns of behavior 36. Desire for independence.