1: "Repairing Pixel 8 Yourself" Don't attempt repairs on your Pixel 8, it will cost you more compared to Pixel 7's DIY repairs.

2: "Pixel 8 Repairs Cost" The cost of fixing a Pixel 8 on your own is significantly higher than repairing a Pixel 7 yourself.

3: "DIY Pixel 8 Repairs" You'll end up spending more by trying to repair your Pixel 8 than you would with a Pixel 7.

4: "Avoid Self-Repair on Pixel 8" Repairing your Pixel 8 yourself is pricier compared to fixing a Pixel 7.

5: "Pixel 8 Self-Repair Expense" Attempting to repair your Pixel 8 will prove more costly than fixing a Pixel 7 yourself.

6: "Costly Pixel 8 Repairs" Opting for self-repair on a Pixel 8 will be costlier than fixing a Pixel 7.

7: "Self-Repair Dilemma" Don't take the risk with repairing a Pixel 8 as it will cost more than fixing a Pixel 7 yourself.

8: "Repairing Pixel 8 Warning" Avoid the expense of repairing a Pixel 8 yourself, it's pricier than fixing a Pixel 7.

9: "Save Money on Pixel 7" Choose a Pixel 7 for easier and cheaper self-repairs compared to the Pixel 8.