1: Signs Your Ex Can't Stop Thinking About You - Constantly contacting you - Liking and commenting on your social media - Asking friends about you - Bringing up inside jokes - Showing up at places you frequent

2: Signs Your Ex Can't Stop Thinking About You (cont.) - Stalking your social media - Sending mixed signals - Mentioning memories from your relationship - Trying to make you jealous - Making excuses to see or talk to you

3: Signs Your Ex Can't Stop Thinking About You (cont.) - Actively trying to get your attention - Sending late-night texts - Sending flowers or gifts - Bringing up the past - Being overly emotional when you talk

4: Signs Your Ex Can't Stop Thinking About You (cont.) - Intensely staring at you - Making plans that involve you - Reaching out to your friends or family - Trying to stay connected in any way - Acting differently around you

5: Signs Your Ex Can't Stop Thinking About You (cont.) - Sharing personal information - Trying to keep tabs on your dating life - Wanting to remain friends - Making an effort to stay in touch - Being overly curious about your current life

6: Signs Your Ex Can't Stop Thinking About You (cont.) - Giving you compliments - Being overly touchy-feely - Trying to rekindle the flame - Making excuses to stay in your life - Being emotionally vulnerable around you

7: Signs Your Ex Can't Stop Thinking About You (cont.) - Apologizing for past mistakes - Trying to re-establish trust - Asking for a second chance - Acting overly interested in your well-being - Showing signs of jealousy

8: Signs Your Ex Can't Stop Thinking About You (cont.) - Making future plans with you in mind - Trying to reignite the passion - Being overly eager to spend time with you - Doing favors for you without being asked - Keeping up with your life updates

9: Signs Your Ex Can't Stop Thinking About You (cont.) - Not being able to let go - Holding onto hope for a reconciliation - Trying to win you back - Acting possessive or territorial - Showing signs of lingering feelings