1: Signs Your Sibling Is Toxic 1. Constantly belittling you 2. Always playing the victim 3. Never taking responsibility 4. Manipulative behavior

2: Signs Your Sibling Is Toxic 5. Gaslighting and invalidating your feelings 6. Creating drama and chaos 7. Jealousy and sabotage 8. Lack of empathy

3: Signs Your Sibling Is Toxic 9. Criticizing and comparing you 10. Controlling and dominating 11. Using guilt as a weapon 12. Lack of boundaries

4: Signs Your Sibling Is Toxic 13. Undermining your successes 14. Refusing to apologize or make amends 15. Stirring up conflict in family dynamics 16. Ignoring your needs and well-being

5: Signs Your Sibling Is Toxic 17. Spreading rumors and gossip about you 18. Playing favorites and engendering competition 19. Withholding love and affection as punishment 20. Demanding attention and validation constantly

6: Signs Your Sibling Is Toxic 21. Using your vulnerabilities against you 22. Dismissing your accomplishments 23. Mocking or ridiculing you in public or private 24. Always trying to one-up you

7: Signs Your Sibling Is Toxic 25. Possessive and controlling over your relationships 26. Making you feel guilty for setting boundaries 27. Sabotaging your personal growth and happiness 28. Engaging in passive-aggressive behavior

8: Signs Your Sibling Is Toxic 29. Acting entitled and expecting special treatment 30. Refusing to compromise or negotiate 31. Constantly seeking conflict and confrontation 32. Never acknowledging their own faults

9: Signs Your Sibling Is Toxic 33. Projecting their insecurities onto you 34. Insulting you under the guise of humor 35. Making you feel like you're never good enough End of content.