1: 1. South Sudan 2. Timor-Leste 3. Montenegro 4. Serbia 5. Kosovo 6. South Ossetia

2: 7. Abkhazia 8. Northern Cyprus 9. The newest country, South Sudan, gained independence in 2011.

3: 10. Timor-Leste, also known as East Timor, became independent in 2002.

4: 11. Montenegro declared independence from Serbia in 2006.

5: 12. Kosovo officially became a country in 2008.

6: 13. South Ossetia declared independence from Georgia in 1991.

7: 14. Recognized by Russia, Abkhazia declared independence in 1999.

8: 15. Northern Cyprus declared independence from Cyprus in 1983.

9: 16. These six new countries have diverse histories and cultures, making them fascinating additions to the world map.